I missed partying this weekend but it's ok because i shopped so much i have clothes to last me a month!
This trip made me realise how alike we are....not only the way we look(though i honestly dont think we look that alike but everyone just cant stop telling us the same thing). It's like she's my alter ego!!!! My long lost sister....hahaha.
SPENT ONLY $2 ON THIS KITTY. I DID IT I DID IT! Caught my first toy from that stupid machine! I've wasted like $100++ trying to catch toys from that kinda machines for years....and i finally did it with $2. MUST BE PRO NOW. :) Oh but Dingxuan hates it...she thinks Hello Kitty is ugly. PFFT.
Super yummy beef ball noodles. Can never find anywhere with yummier beef ball noodles!
I've always been looking for my Gemini (i'm a Libra and a Gemini is supposed to make like a really awesome match) and HERE SHE IS!!!! I never knew she was a Gemini! Yknow i really wish she was a boy.....she'd make the most PERFECT BOYFEE. Lol. K i shall now choose my next boyfriend wisely. He has to be a Libra, Aquarius or a Gemini. An Aries would be good too....though i read somewhere it's like a total opposite horoscope but the best boyfriend i ever had in my entire life is an Aries...hehe. I need to chill....me and horoscopes....but really, it's SO ACCURATE. The description of how i'm like...and my friend's...Scary but now it makes looking for my next boyfee much easier! Like i know i've to avoid Scorpios! Have tons of libra friends who had a bad experience with Scorpios. Lol.
I hope to do a photoshoot on Monday with her and launch new products for the online store asap! All my $ is like stuck in stocks....i kinda overspent. :( Oh and tomorrow i need to learn how to change the livejournal design since i'm thinking of shifting my online store back to LJ for good. :)
p.s someone just commented saying i look like this girl in the video but when i saw it i realised DING XUAN LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE HER! LOL.
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