Anyway, Figo was previously taken care if by my girl Freda but recently, Figo became a bit mental...we suspect he's sexually deprived and brought him to the vet for sterilization! He is much more well-behaved now. Well actually he has always been....until a mth back.
Bunny & Figo still don't get along though. They fight all the time!!! My parents ask me to give up one but I WON'T CHOOSE. Figo still tries humping Bunz (they are both males btw) even after his sterilization??? And because of that they fight. Both get jealous SUPER easily too! It's crazy...they're both always trying to fight for my attention and i've to give both equal love and attention or they'd just attack each other.
Love my boys so much! They're both soooo different and special in their own ways! Bunny is like the playful boy who's always full of energy! He's like forever happy and jumpy! He is so active and loves to play so much, it's so rare for him to stay still whenever there are people around. Bunny also LOVES taking pictures. Whenever i pick my camera up and shoots him, he'd stay still and pose. There was this time, he was fighting with Figo and when he saw the camera, he stayed still to pose, then i walked away, he went to disturb Figo to continue the fight. Hahaha.
Figo is the lazy bum who'd lie down beside me while i do my work. He is also super nice to cuddle with! Unlike Bunny, who will jump all over you and lick you all'll NEVER be able to sleep in peace if Bunny's on your bed NEVER. Hahaha. Figo is super gentle and tame. The only time you see him running around is when you play Fetch with him. Figo is an angel when you know him...but to strangers...especially the postman/delivery man, HE BARKS LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW. BARKS LOUD. VERY VERY LOUD. It's quite scary. He definitely keeps the house safe from burglars alright.
p.s here's 2 pictures of Bunny! He loves climbing onto the cabinet to look at me whenever i come out of my room. He'd be sitting on the sofa at first. The cabinet's pretty high and smart boy knows he'll definitely get my attention this way~~ whereas Figo...well he isn't as adventurous and playful...can't climb as high. (look at figo's head...must be feeling jealous bunny can be up there) Lol.
OH AND BUNNY BEING BUNNY.....told ya he loves taking photos! Hahaha.
This exclusively manufactured by Ohsofickle dress will be available at on Tuesday, 6 April @ 7pm!!! :)
New wedges for me and some clothes~~~ Been really lazy to dress up this week :( but hopefully i will not be next week, so i'd be able to post outfit pictures! ;)
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